

Radhe Radhe, Bhaktapur

Phone Number

5907481 / 5907482

Payment Offset Facility Via Our Trade Partners

Trade Partnerships:

In business relationships, companies often engage in buying and selling goods or services with each other.

Payment Offset Facility:

A payment offset facility is a financial arrangement where the parties agree to offset mutual payables and receivables against each other.

Offsetting Payments:

Let's say Company A owes money to Company B for goods or services, while Company B simultaneously owes money to Company A for a different set of transactions.

Netting Payments:

Instead of making separate payments, the companies may choose to "net" the payments. This means they offset the amounts owed to each other, and only the net difference is paid.



Reduces the number of individual transactions.

Streamlines the settlement process.

Minimizes the need for multiple cash transfers.



This facility can be implemented through mutual agreement, often formalized in contracts or agreements between the trade partners.

Risk Management:

While payment offset facilities can be beneficial, parties should carefully consider and manage any associated risks, such as credit risk and the potential for disputes.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance:

Ensure that the payment offset facility complies with relevant legal and regulatory requirements.

Communication and Transparency:

Effective communication and transparency are crucial. Clear documentation and regular communication between trade partners help maintain a smooth payment offset process.

It's important to note that the specific details of a payment offset facility can vary based on the agreements between the parties involved. It's advisable to consult with financial experts and legal professionals to structure and implement such facilities appropriately.